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Project Search

Since its inception in 2004, CIG has funded hundreds of projects, boosting natural resource conservation while helping producers improve the health of their operations for the future. Use this tool to search for CIG projects based on any of the criteria listed below.

CIG projects from 2004-2009 may be missing information in the following categories: Resource Concern (specific), Conservation Practice, Production/Use.

Showing 1451 - 1460 of 1760 projects

Desert Sense     |     NM     |     2007
Install commercially available ET measurment equipment and information network in Las Cruces are to demonstrate irrigation efficiency
Donald Fitzner     |     NM     |     2007
Install site built wind scoop to increase wind delivery to generator system
Earl Fisher Bio-Fuels LLP     |     MT     |     2007
The primary purpose of our project is to develop a stable market for camalina and other oilseeds in north central Montana. To develop this market Earl Fisher BioFuels (EFB) is building a biodiesel production facility. By developing the biodiesel industry we hope to address the dwindling population and lack of economic development in rural Montana. Earl Fisher Biofuels will install a biodiesel production facility in Chester, using primarily oilseed crops grown in the local area.
East Central RC&D Council     |     CO     |     2007
With the high cost of petroleum and to help reduce the need for petroleum products, this project will determine the economic payback for a growing oilseed crops for on farm commercial production of bio-based fuel using canola and camelina. They will also use agronomic practices to reduce fuel use for this production.
Ecosystems Management Research Institute     |     CO     |     2007
A measurement system for off-site mitigation will be developed and described for Moffat county and other areas within MLRA 34A as a pilot demonstration area. A measurement system will be developed that quantified changes produced on a site from existing conditions to an improved state in terms of reference to historical sites.
Environmental Defense, Inc.     |     OH     |     2007
Evaluation of N use efficiency using Presidress and cornstalk N testing
Flint Farm     |     NH     |     2007
Improve water quality of the Androscoggin River
Greeley Irrigation Company     |     CO     |     2007
A SCADA system, including actuated gates, will help the Company to accurately monitor diversions and some deliveries, make remotely implemented changes in diverted flows off the Cache la Poudre River, more rapidly react to storm flows on the river or entering the Greeley 3 Canal.
Hysham Irrigation District     |     MT     |     2007
The Hysham Irrigation District (HID) intends to become the model irrigation district for management, conservation, and development of its resources. However, ultimately, the goal of this project is to increase the value of the irrigated lands (production and land value) within the District. The means by which to achieve this goal is the project objective, namely, the implementation of technologically advanced systems for monitoring of water use within the district. Project consultants will assist HID in the development and implementation of a project-wide &quot,Internet GIS.&quot, This Internet GIS will utilize the meshing of a conventional spatial GIS database with an Internet Map Server and dedicated web-page. The Internet GIS or Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) will allow the District and its water users a near real-time monitoring system for management, conservation, and development of its water resources.
International Center for Appropriate and Sustainable Technology (iCAST)     |     CO     |     2007
iCAST, along with its project partners, will develop plans for and implement various demand side management (DSM), energy efficiency (EE), and renewable energy (RE) technologies for two rural electric cooperatives in Colorado. With the San Luis Valley Rural Electric Cooperative (SLV REC) they will be demonstrating, through a pilot project, the water and energy savings possible with modern irrigation technology. With the Morgan County Rural Electric Association (MC REA), they will install demand side management controllers for their existing smart metering system to reduce peak irrigation loads.