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Project Search

Since its inception in 2004, CIG has funded hundreds of projects, boosting natural resource conservation while helping producers improve the health of their operations for the future. Use this tool to search for CIG projects based on any of the criteria listed below.

CIG projects from 2004-2009 may be missing information in the following categories: Resource Concern (specific), Conservation Practice, Production/Use.

Showing 1581 - 1590 of 1760 projects

MTFWP     |     MT     |     2006
The purpose of this grant is to further develop and test deterrent tools (turbo fladry) to reduce livestock depredation by wolves, while simultaneously encouraging gray wolf conservation.
National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)     |     MT     |     2006
The project activities include offering interested producers opportunities for small grants to help reduce the financial risk of planting new oilseed crops or developing on-farm or near farm biodiesel. Additionally, we will develop technical information on use and markets for co-products, distribute the information through the published, electronic, and face-to-face meetings and identify recommendations to change laws, policies, or rules that may be barriers to successful development of biodiesel fuels.
Natural Resources Trust     |     ND     |     2006
Studied biomass crops and determined economic feasabilities for energy crops
North Carolina State University (PI: Orr)     |     NC     |     2006
Deployed a demonstration project that tested and evaluated the planting of native prairie vegetation on crop field borders to enhance populations of native pollinators, crop pest predators and parasites, as well as quail.
North Central Planning Council     |     ND     |     2006
Determine how to improve water use systems in the Devils Lake Basin
North Central RC&D     |     SD     |     2006
Use partners' technical assistance and programs to install grassland and wetland Best Management Practices, provide conservation marketing education, and help build the capacity of select partners to promote and develop natural resource based projects.
North Dakota Natural Resources Trust     |     MT     |     2006
The purpose of this award if for the grantee to address four resource concerns including nutrient, sediment, pesticide and pathogen transport to surface and ground water, erosion reduction, overall soil quality and productivity, carbon sequestration and bio-based energy opportunities, bio-diversity and wetland function and health. The project involves establishing 20 plots with four replications at five research experiment stations throughout western, northern, and central North Dakota.
Ohio State University Research Foundation (OSURF)     |     OH     |     2006
The purpose of this project was to meet the needs of Ohio's livestock farm operators and encourage the adoption of managed grazing systems.
Operation Spring Plant     |     NC     |     2006
Implement projects designed to empower small farmers, within the Granville, Vance, Warren, Duplin, Sampson, Johnson, and Orange County RC&D areas, with the confidence and expertise to adopt new and innovative farming technology on their family farms.
Pennsylvania State University     |     PA     |     2006
Demonstrated the establishment of varios cover crops, such as red clover and hairy vetch, for soil quality purposes and the nitrogen value they have in order to motivate farmers to use this conservation practice for its value instead of a conservation program incentive.