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Project Search

Since its inception in 2004, CIG has funded hundreds of projects, boosting natural resource conservation while helping producers improve the health of their operations for the future. Use this tool to search for CIG projects based on any of the criteria listed below.

CIG projects from 2004-2009 may be missing information in the following categories: Resource Concern (specific), Conservation Practice, Production/Use.

Showing 1661 - 1670 of 1760 projects

Brinson Farms LLC     |     MS     |     2005
Use of anaerobic digestor as an innovative approach for disposing of poultry litter.
Charles Orchard, LandEKG Inc.     |     MT     |     2005
Project objectives are to teach producers a rapid, user-friendly, semi-quantitative rangeland monitoring system to increase ecological knowledge, documentation, and management direction for agricultural businesses. The training provides producers with “hands-on” skills, rangeland data and photo forms, and a complete tool kit to establish and maintain an on-going rangeland monitoring program. NRCS and Extension collaborators will participate with the producers to build common knowledge and support for future range assistance as well as EQIP information support. Implementing and self-maintaining an innovative Land EKG monitoring program will enhance management decisions, animal health and conception rates, reduce weeds, increase desired production, and improve wildlife habitat and water quality. Each participant will establish a minimum of 4 monitoring sites on their own lands within a 10-month period, complete with finished reports. Participants will also be taught to develop an annual monitoring program, understanding the five-year cycle of selecting new sites while maintaining previous data sites. The Project Director will organize and conduct 3 trainings in three local areas, providing customized data collection forms and information pertinent to each area’s rainfall and soil type. A monitoring field manual, report notebook, and tool kit will be assembled and distributed to each producer/participant. Management direction based from the monitoring analysis will be available to the producer from both the Project Director and the NRCS/ Extension collaborators.
Drywall Recycling of Montana, Inc.     |     MT     |     2005
The purpose of this award is for the grantee to develop, test, and promote the use of recylced drywall gpysum as an effective natural soil amendment, and demonstrate a model local recycling and use program. Only drywall containing non-fiberglass or other environmentally harmful materials will be used during all phases of the project including, but not limited to, the design, development, implementation, and outreach phases.
Fort Peck Assinibione & Sioux Tribes     |     MT     |     2005
The purpose of the proposed project is to improve rangeland health and mitigate the risk of drought by implementing and evaluating use of The Grazing Manager software. This will involve a combination of computer software and in-field training of Tribal natural resources staff, rancher discussion groups, ongoing in-field ranch visits, one-on-one interviews, field days, and periodic reviews by a multi-agency advisory committee. TGM is a computer based decision tool for ranchers and range managers. This unique and innovative decision tool has been designed to assist ranchers to inventory forage and animal resources, and plan, monitor, and adjust grazing management in response to current year's forage growth conditions.
FWP, USFWS, DNRC     |     MT     |     2005
Purpose of agreement was to encourage non-Federal landowners to voluntarily implement proactive conservation measures to benefit fluvial Arctic Grayling in the Big Hole River in Beaverhead, Deer Lodge, and Silver Bow counties, MT. The conservation goal of this agreement was to secure and enhance populations of fluvial Arctic Grayling within the historic range of the species in the Big Hole River drainage.
Montana State University, Department of Land Resources and Environmental Science     |     MT     |     2005
Explore the potential of no-till management and 100% cropping intensity to improve soil quality and productivity, promote carbon sequestration in soil, and mitigate long-term drought risk by increasing production options/opportunities.
Mosaic Company     |     MT     |     2005
The purpose of this award was for the grantee to evaluate variable rate nutrient applications on major commodity crops to reduce nitrogen fertilizer usage rates 25-30% while enhancing grower profitability. Both soil and water natural resource concerns are addressed with primary emphasis on soil.
Mountain Thinking Conservation Science, Inc.     |     MT     |     2005
The project provides a field demonstration of promising on-the-ground methods and strategies aimed at reducing livestock losses to large predators. In particular, the expansion of wolves beyond protected areas represents a new challenge for ranching in the Rocky Mountain west. Several techniques for reducing livestock/predator conflicts have been suggested, yet none of these approaches have been rigorously tested and guidelines and specifications for their successful implementation are lacking. It is anticipated that this project will generate technical guidelines and specifications for successful cattle management in the presence of large carnivores that are currently absent.
North Central MS RC & D     |     MS     |     2005
Developed a partnership action plan to address kudzu problem
North Jersey RC&D     |     NJ     |     2005
Target outreach to farmers in the Neshanic watershed to encourage conservation through farmer-to-farmer recognition of water quality protection