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Harvesting Nuisance Macroalgae to Produce Organic Fertilizer and Mitigate the Effects of Eutrophication on Oyster Farming

Agreement Number
Awardee Name
Walrus and Carpenter Oysters
Grant Type
Project Title
Harvesting Nuisance Macroalgae to Produce Organic Fertilizer and Mitigate the Effects of Eutrophication on Oyster Farming
Awardee State/Territory
Rhode Island
Involved States/territories
Rhode Island
Award Year
Start Date
End Date
Award Amount
Resource Concern (Broad)
Resource Concern (Specific)
Water Quality
Water Quantity
Wildlife habitat
Conservation Practice(s)
Riparian Forest Buffer
Wildlife Habitat Planting
Project Background
The primary purpose of this project is to demonstrate an innovative approach to improving growing conditions for farmed oysters in the temperate lagoons along the coast of Rhode Island. This is to be accomplished at a pilot scale on my own oyster farm by removing nuisance macroalgae early in its life cycle in order to (1) reduce fouling on aquaculture gear, (2) reduce suspended organic detritus, (3) reduce incidents of low dissolved oxygen and (4) allow phytoplankton to bloom.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?
Awardee Technical Contact Name
Jules Opton-Himmel