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Grazing to Sustainability in the Grand River Grasslands at Little Creek Farm

Awardee Name
The Nature Conservancy
Grant Type
Project Title
Grazing to Sustainability in the Grand River Grasslands at Little Creek Farm
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
End Date
Award Amount
Project Background
This project will develop, implement and aim to quantify the optimal combinations of grass species and grazing intensity necessary to maximize profitability for a rancher's bottom line. They will establish native plant diversity in a cool season grass dominated grazing system. Project seeks to prove that sustainable grazing is a product of a good year long available forage structure for the cattle, while ensuring productive daily gains that ultimately impacts the farmers bottom line. Implement stream side buffers and fencing out cattle from the creek, to reduce any overland flow of water, hold the soil in place and allow water to better penetrate down through the soil profile. The stream is the headwater habitat for the endangered Topeka Shiner.Additionally, promote soil health and specifically Soil Health Management Systems (SHMS) focused on maintaining or enhancing soil health by addressing all four soil health planning principles: minimize disturbance, maximize soil cover, maximize biodiversity and maximize presence of living roots.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?