Awardee Name
University of Connecticut
Grant Type
Project Title
My Woods
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
End Date
Award Amount
Project Background
Within the State of Connecticut forest and wildlife habitat conservation assistance is available to landowners through a variety of programs offered by state agencies, non-profit organizations, and institutions of higher learning. Even though there is no shortage of information, the message is not being heard and translated to on-the-ground conservation projects for species of greatest concern, like the American woodcock or box turtle. How this information is delivered, presented, and understood might be part of the reason more information translating to action is not observed. Current web sites about assistance programs are information-laden, complicated, and difficult to navigate. The overwhelming amount of information could lead to frustration and confusion perhaps overriding a landowner's intentions of moving forward with a conservation project. Methods and deliverables: Providing clear and concise information tailored to landowner needs and delivered in ways landowners find useful is critical to forest health and biodiversity since 60% of the Connecticut forest is owned by private landowners. Therefore, our idea proposes to create a landowner information hub on the UConn Forestry Web page designed in a clear, concise, easy to use, and colorful format for the most current information on conservation programs, landowner assistance, and conservation practices.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?