Awardee Name
Virginia Forage & Grassland Council
Grant Type
Project Title
Soil Health and Grazing Management: Putting Science into Practice
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
End Date
Award Amount
Grassland (Includes Pasture/Rangeland)
Resource Concern (Broad)
Resource Concern (Specific)
Soil Health
Conservation Practice(s)
Prescribed Grazing
Project Background
This award is for the Virginia Forage and Grassland Council to demonstrate and document the changes that occur in soil health and pasture productivity due to the implementation of improved grazing management and communicate these changes to producers and agricultural professionals through a series of educational events. 1 - identify an EQIP eligible producer (total of 4 producers) in each of the 4 regions of Virginia committed to transitioning from continuous grazing to prescribed grazing and documenting management practices and measured soil health benefits, 2 - develop prescribed grazing plans for each of the 4 demonstration farms, 3 - host 12 winter forage conferences and host 12 summer field days, 4 - record videos of all presentations delivered at the winter forage conferences, 5 - develop a Soil Health webpage on the VFGC website to summarize project results, and 6 - develop case study reports and short videos for each of the four demonstration farms.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?