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Adoption Soil & Water Conservation

Awardee Name
Thomas Jefferson Agricultural Institute
Grant Type
Project Title
Adoption Soil & Water Conservation
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
End Date
Award Amount
Project Background
The general goal of this project is to train EQIP-eligible 'beginning farmers' on conservation strategies that can enhance soil conservation, water quality, and biodiversity. The project will focus on soil resources and water resource concerns. Beginning farmers will be assisted in developing conservation plans for their own farms and encouraged to seek support through EQIP and related programs. Specific practices that will be emphasized in the project include use of appropriate cover crop species, use of reduced or no-till systems, stiff-stemmed grass filter strips and other riparian buffer methods for protecting surface water quality, and use of native plants to protect soil, water, and enhance wildlife habitat. In depth training programs for at least 50 beginning farmers will be provided at the Jefferson Farm, a new public demonstration farm near Columbia, MO.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?