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Demonstrating inovative ground cover recovery practices

Awardee Name
University of Wyoming
Grant Type
Project Title
Demonstrating inovative ground cover recovery practices
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
End Date
Award Amount
Project Background
This two-year cooperative effort seeks to demonstrate how both agriculture producers and small acreage owners can effectively recover and repair impacted landscapes using tools and resources which they already have on hand. By demonstrating the use of notill planting, herd effect planting and planting with common rancher and homeowner equipment on a number of sites through central Wyoming the project hopes to reach 150-300 landowners with techniques and methods that recover impacted landscapes in a sustainable practice. Due to the growth of small acreages and web-based education, this project has the potential to reach over 10,000 landowners in the next three years. All sites will be established where tours can be led to the site without additional impacts.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?