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Implementation of a Cost-effective, Broad-scale, Integrated Weed Management Model

Agreement Number
Awardee Name
Rocky Mountain Front Weed Roundtable
Grant Type
Project Title
Implementation of a Cost-effective| Broad-scale| Integrated Weed Management Model
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
Start Date
End Date
Award Amount
Farmland Agricultural
Grassland (includes pasture/rangeland)
Resource Concern (Broad)
Resource Concern (Specific)
Degraded plant condition
Conservation Practice(s)
Pest Management Conservation System
Project Background
The project’s goal is to change weed management from less effective treatment of established weed patches to cost-effective, integrated weed management using all appropriate techniques. This will be carried out while maintaining or enhancing the ecological and economic health of the Rocky Mountain Front. This project will differ from traditional approaches by focusing on strategies that will maintain agricultural economic values by preventing expansion of weed populations, based on coordinated, strategic focus on the set of highest priority actions with positive economic returns. The project will employ integrated pest management (e.g., prevention, locally successful biological controls, spraying and pulling) to focus on the priority actions necessary to achieve broad-scale success across watersheds and provide a framework for long-term sustainability.
Project Scale
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?
Awardee Technical Contact Name
Kate Fink