Agreement Number
Awardee Name
Alabama Beef Council
Grant Type
Project Title
Introducing Clovers in Grazing Systems in Coastal Plain Regions of the South
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
Start Date
End Date
Award Amount
Resource Concern (Broad)
Project Background
The clover demonstrations in perennial pastures of the Coastal Plain region will show producers effective ways to include clovers, and where feasible, new perennial clover cultivars into their grazing systems. As a result, producers will learn which cultivars work for their particular conditions, how to effectively establish the clovers, how to implement successful prescribed grazing techniques needed for clover longevity, how to successfully manage soil fertility, and the many benefits that clovers provide. NRCS will be able to add new information to the Technical Guide resulting in improved technical and financial assistance to clients.
Final Report URL
Awardee Technical Contact Name
Billy Powell