Agreement Number
Awardee Name
Trout Unlimited
Grant Type
Project Title
Methow Basin Water Exchange
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
Start Date
End Date
Award Amount
Natural Areas
Resource Concern (Broad)
Resource Concern (Specific)
Aquatic habitat for fish and other organisms
Water Quality
Conservation Practice(s)
Stream Habitat Improvement and Management
Structure for Water Control
Project Background
This project builds on the investments of NRCS and other funders in irrigation efficiency through the development of the Methow Basin Water Exchange Cooperative Project (WEC), an innovative approach to enhance instream flows in the Methow River and its two largest tributaries. This will be done while facilitating a formalized water exchange to other agricultural water users. The WEC, inspired by the agricultural governance structures of exchanges and farmer cooperatives, will be supported by participation of local stakeholders including agriculture producers, water users and others providing oversight over integrated Habitat and water planning documents. It will ensure the protection of instream flows, sharing of information and identification agricultural water needs such that water transfers to other users would ensure benefits to both fish and farms.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?
Awardee Technical Contact Name
Lisa Pelly