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Utilization of Maclura Pomifera (Osage Orange) as an Agroforestry Species for BioEnergy, Bioproduct and Carbon Sequestration

Agreement Number
Awardee Name
Hedgeapple Biotech
Grant Type
Project Title
Utilization of Maclura Pomifera (Osage Orange) as an Agroforestry Species for BioEnergy| Bioproduct and Carbon Sequestration
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
Start Date
End Date
Award Amount
Resource Concern (Broad)
Project Background
The purpose of this award is for the grantee to demonstrate the integrated use of NRCS technologies for bioEnergy production, to carbon sequestration and value added products with Osage orange and the primary crop.Reducing dependence on Energy from non-renewable and hostile sources and controlling greenhouse gas emissions are national priorities. Likewise, the loss of Habitat for wildlife, reductions in perennial crops, and continued uncertainty about key farm programs like CRP need addressing. BioEnergy production potential is also critically limited by water resources that need to be managed more wisely starting with improved watershed management. As the United States frees itself from oil and nonrenewable dependency the opportunity to radically improve the rural economy presents itself. That opportunity is dependent on the development of species offering significant Value Added Product and carbon sequestration while providing continued soil water conservation. There is an excellent plant species and a production system to match that can be used to address the above issues Maclura pomifera (Osage orange), although in large part forgotten, has been extensively researched previously and shown to have these capabilities. In fact project, we will evaluate multiple NRCS practices in reference to bioEnergy, bioproducts, and carbon sequestration issues while providing ecological services including wildlife Habitat. A special focus will be on riparian management thanks to our excellent consultants and the nature of the demonstration farm. In addition, we will facilitate the beginning of a rural cooperative with development of biorefinery capability to take advantage of the Significant Value added products inherent in this species. As the political landscape in reference to global warming changes and provisions for realistic payments for carbon sequestration are made, we propose this model as a realistic replacement for the system beyond the initial establishment period.
Awardee Technical Contact Name
Al Gravett