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Hydrologic Investigation of the Smith River Watershed, with an emphasis on ground water / surface water interaction

Agreement Number
Awardee Name
Meagher County Conservation District
Grant Type
Project Title
Hydrologic Investigation of the Smith River Watershed| with an emphasis on ground water / surface water interaction
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
Start Date
End Date
Award Amount
Resource Concern (Broad)
Project Background
Meagher County Conservation District will investigate the hydrology of the Upper Smith River Watershed and identify irrigation and droughts influence on the stream flow of the Smith River, so that informed decisions and plans of action can be made. Surface and ground water flowing in and out of the Smith River Watershed will be measured and tracked utilizing temperature as a natural tracer. Utilizing temperature, in conjunction with water level gradients, to determine the flow pattern and interaction between the ground water and surface water systems is a new and innovative technique that would allow hydrologic systems to be investigated at a greatly reduced cost to the present techniques in use.
Awardee Technical Contact Name
Joy L Short