Awardee Name
Cumberland-Salem Conservation District
Grant Type
Project Title
The Use of Precision Agriculture Technology to Enhance, Water, Soil, and Atmospheric Resources within Cumberland and Salem County.
Awardee State/Territory
New Jersey
Involved States/territories
New Jersey
Award Year
End Date
Award Amount
Project Background
The objectives of this proposal are to educate the agricultural community about the benefits of implementing precision agriculture techniques, and to provide them with access to precision agriculture products (EZ-Guide Plus and EZ-Guide 500) to enhance water, soil and atmospheric resources. Water resources are enhanced by reducing the overlap and over application of spray materials and fertilizer, thus reducing nutrient and chemical runoff. Soil resources are enhanced though proper nutrient placement, and reduced soil compaction. Atmospheric/energy resources are enhanced through reduced fuel consumption and atmospheric emissions.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?