Awardee Name
Fort Peck Assinibione & Sioux Tribes
Grant Type
Project Title
Implementation and Evaluation of The Grazing Manager Software on the Fort Peck Reservation
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
End Date
Award Amount
Project Background
The purpose of the proposed project is to improve rangeland health and mitigate the risk of drought by implementing and evaluating use of The Grazing Manager software. This will involve a combination of computer software and in-field training of Tribal natural resources staff, rancher discussion groups, ongoing in-field ranch visits, one-on-one interviews, field days, and periodic reviews by a multi-agency advisory committee. TGM is a computer based decision tool for ranchers and range managers. This unique and innovative decision tool has been designed to assist ranchers to inventory forage and animal resources, and plan, monitor, and adjust grazing management in response to current year's forage growth conditions.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?