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Missouri Innovative Nutrient Trading (MINT) Project

Awardee Name
MEC Water Resources
Grant Type
Project Title
Missouri Innovative Nutrient Trading (MINT) Project
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
End Date
Award Amount
Project Background
MINT will introduce the concept of nutrient trading in Missouri and develop a model market-based nutrient trading program where nutrient credits will be established for innovative and conventional best management practices and used to enhance conservation funding, provide supplemental income to producers through trading of nutrient credits, and accelerate nutrient loading reductions. MINT will collaborate with existing agricultural projects in Missouri that are working to quantify water quality benefits and establish nutrient credits for conservation practices. The trading program will be developed by applying and building upon nutrient quality trading programs developed in other states. The feasibility of implementing this trading platform in Missouri will be assessed through a simulated nutrient trading exercise between point and nonpoint sources of pollution in Mark Twain watershed using nutrient credits.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?