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A Forage Crop Demonstration Project: Using Precision Irrigation Scheduling Methods including Soil Moisture Monitoring to Improve Irrigation Efficiency and Application Uniformity, Improve Yields and Prevent Crop Stress While Addressing the Special Problems

Awardee Name
San Jacinto Basin RCD
Project Title
A Forage Crop Demonstration Project: Using Precision Irrigation Scheduling Methods including Soil Moisture Monitoring to Improve Irrigation Efficiency and Application Uniformity, Improve Yields and Prevent Crop Stress While Addressing the Special Problems
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
End Date
Award Amount
Project Background
Irrigation system monitoring and improvement leading to optimization, real-time monitoring of soil moisture content to track accuracy of targeted water applications and adoption of rational irrigation strategies tailored to the special needs and problems, multiple harvest-curing cycles, associated with alfalfa irrigation.