Awardee Name
Montana State University College of Agriculture Biobased Institute
Grant Type
Project Title
CAM-A-LINA, a Montana Fuel Additive that Increases Fuel Efficiency and reduces Vehicle Emissions (This project looks like an extension of the original agreement: 65-0325-07-031.)
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
End Date
Award Amount
Project Background
Camelina sativa, an ancient European crop, has shown great promise as a valuable oilseed crop for production in our region. Camelina is a low input, dryland crop that appears to be more agronomically adapted and can be produced equally or for less in Montana than other oilseed crops such as canola and soybeans. The oil can be used to produce biodiesel and industrial products such as biolubricants and fuel additives. The meal can be used in composite wood and coal pellets. Acreage in Montana has rapidly increased from 450 acres in 2005 to over 50,000 acres in 2007.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?