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Composting of Grape Vines Pruning: A Solution for Organic and Conventional Producers

Awardee Name
University of Idaho
Grant Type
Project Title
Composting of Grape Vines Pruning: A Solution for Organic and Conventional Producers
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
End Date
Award Amount
Project Background
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate, evaluate, and encourage the use of composting techniques to process grape vine prunings to retain their nutrients, reduce and potentially eliminate the practice of burning grape vine prunings, and to control the spread of diseases and insects by properly composting the prunings. Converting a waste into a fertilizer and soil amendment will allow grape producers (especially organic ones) to reduce their use of external fertilizers and reduce the weeding process. Reducing or even abandoning the practice of burning prunings will dramatically reduce the carbon foot print of the Idaho grape industry and will have a beneficial impact in the surrounding communities.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?