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The effect of the use of a traveling sprinkler and a polyacrylamide-zeolite blend on onion strands, yields, quality and returns and movement of nitrates, SALTS AND SELENIUM IN THE SOIL UNDER A SUB-SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM

Awardee Name
Colorado State University
Grant Type
Project Title
The effect of the use of a traveling sprinkler and a polyacrylamide-zeolite blend on onion strands, yields, quality and returns and movement of nitrates, SALTS AND SELENIUM IN THE SOIL UNDER A SUB-SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
End Date
Award Amount
Project Background
The ultimate objective of this project was to improve yield, quality and returns of onions being grown on sub-surface drip irrigation (SDI) systems. This project determined the effect of sprinkling on germination and emergence of seeded onions with and without AgriBlend (HYDROGEL and Zeolite) and the effect that improved germination and emergence has on the yield, quality and returns from these onions.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?