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Field Scale Evaluation & Technology Transfer of Economically, Ecologically Sound Liquid Swine Manure Treatment and Application Systems

Agreement Number
Awardee Name
Illinois State University
Grant Type
Project Title
Field Scale Evaluation & Technology Transfer of Economically| Ecologically Sound Liquid Swine Manure Treatment and Application Systems
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
Start Date
End Date
Award Amount
Resource Concern (Broad)
Project Background
Illinois State University will install a production scale modified, controlled drainage system, designed to utilize separated effluent from swine slurry as a soil amendment for corn/soybean production. The project includes an evaluation of a production scale solid/liquid separation, nitrification system for swine slurry. Raw slurry, separated solids and effluent will be analyzed for various constituents including SS, TSS, NH3, DO, COD, N, P, and pathogen indicators. The effects of four land application methods on crop growth and yield, and on soil and groundwater selected nutrient and pathogen concentrations will be evaluated. A website will be developed to assist in dissemination of BMP and AMP regarding slurry processing and land application. Four brochures and several newsletters outlining BMP and AMP will be developed for dissemination both on-line and in hard copy. Three workshop/field days will be held targeting livestock producers, grain farmers and educators (extension specialists, government agency staff, etc.) featuring the on-farm production scale slurry processing/land application system(s).
Awardee Technical Contact Name
Gary D McGinnis