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Implementation of a Multi-Species Weed Biological Control Program on Ute Mountain and Southern Ute Tribal Lands

Agreement Number
Awardee Name
Colorado Department of Agriculture
Grant Type
Project Title
Implementation of a Multi-Species Weed Biological Control Program on Ute Mountain and Southern Ute Tribal Lands
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
Start Date
End Date
Award Amount
Resource Concern (Broad)
Project Background
Classical weed biological control has been shown to be an effective, safe and inexpensive method for the control of exotic, invasive weeds. The Colorado Department of Agriculture Insectary has been at the forefront of a number of weed biological control projects. The Insectary currently has in culture, or in field insectaries, 24 arthropods used in weed biocontrol. Among our target weeds are several species that are widespread and can have severe economic and environmental impacts. Proven and effective biocontrol agents for control of these weeds are available at the Insectary. A major challenge is to get the control agents out to the areas where they are needed and to monitor weed infestations to assure establishment of the agents and actual control of the weeds. The purpose of this project is to use biocontrol to manage multi-species weed invasions on a large tract of tribal land. The project will execute a novel multi-species control plan using proven biocontrol technology. The outcome of this effort will be a template for future programs that target a number of weed pest species and bring together agencies and groups to control weeds on private and public lands.
Awardee Technical Contact Name
Daniel Bean