Awardee Name
University of Connecticut
Grant Type
Project Title
Increase in Soil Test Phosphorus from Manure and Fertilizer Applications
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
End Date
Award Amount
Animal Agriculture and Husbandry
Resource Concern (Broad)
Conservation Practice(s)
Nutrient Management
Project Background
Dairy farmers need to know rate of the increase in soil test phosphorus from applications of manure and fertilizer P on their fields because a cap on the amount of phosphorus based on a soil test phosphorus value will soon be implemented. Soil test phosphorus values are increasing on dairy farms and farmers need to know the rate of increase to enable short- and long-range economic planning. The most important deliverable will be an equation showing the rate of increase in STP from applications of manure and fertilizer P, which will inform the management of P in Connecticut.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?