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Innovations in Cover Crop-Based Organic No-Till Systems to Improve Soil Health and Nutrient Management

Agreement Number
NR18-G002 (18-5226)
Awardee Name
University of Wisconsin
Grant Type
Project Title
Innovations in Cover Crop-Based Organic No-Till Systems to Improve Soil
Health and Nutrient Management
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
Start Date
End Date
Award Amount
Farmland Agricultural
Resource Concern (Broad)
Resource Concern (Specific)
Soil Health
Conservation Practice(s)
Cover Crop
Residue and Tillage Management
Project Background
Currently, tillage is the primary method for weed management in organic grain systems. As this high degree of soil disturbance can have a negative impact on soil health and erosion mitigation, many organic producers are examining the potential for organic no-till practices, to reduce tillage, improve soil quality, and maintain optimal yields. Facing a multitude of organic no-till options for cover crop termination, cover crop rolling, planting dates, and planter modifications, organic farmers are seeking assistance with innovative solutions for best technique and practice recommendations that are in concert with EQIP and CSP standards. Working with EQIP and EQIP-eligible farmer-cooperators, we will demonstrate, on-farm and on-station, which innovations in cover crop selection, planting dates, roller type, planter modifications, and termination methods will lead to the most successful organic no-till outcomes for soil health, corn and soybean yields, and farm profitability. Results from these demonstrations also will be applicable for conventional farmers who seek alternatives to herbicides for their cover-crop-based systems. Technology transfer, through Field Days, webinars, website articles, conference presentations, and testing of soil assessment tools, will help solidify long-range impacts of organic no-till practices on conservation of soil, water and land resources.
Project Scale
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?
Awardee Technical Contact Name
Brian Luck