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Soil Test Phosphorus Critical Concentration for Connecticut Soils

Awardee Name
University of Connecticut
Grant Type
Project Title
Soil Test Phosphorus Critical Concentration for Connecticut Soils
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
End Date
Award Amount
Farmland Agricultural
Resource Concern (Broad)
Conservation Practice(s)
Nutrient Management
Project Background
Dairy farmers need to know the environmental critical concentration for P because a cap on the amount of phosphorus that can be applied to fields based on the environmental critical concentration for P will soon be implemented. Currently, research in Maine and New York show quite different environmental critical concentrations for P in their soils. A reliable critical concentration is needed for Connecticut soils. Farmers will have difficulty planning future expansions, which many will need to stay competitive, without clear guidelines about which fields can receive manure and which cannot.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?