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Using New Technology to reduce amount of pesticides being used on area orchard farms

Agreement Number
Awardee Name
Orleans County Soil & Water Conservation District
Grant Type
Project Title
Using New Technology to reduce amount of pesticides being used on area orchard farms
Awardee State/Territory
New York
Involved States/territories
New York
Award Year
Start Date
End Date
Award Amount
Resource Concern (Broad)
Project Background
Working with ten progressive EQIP eligible Orchard Farmers Orleans County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will introduce current sensor controlled precision spray technology on 1400 acres to demonstrate its potential to meet the economic and environmental needs of fruit growers of western New York, and potentially throughout the region and nation. All fruit growers strive to produce a quality product, but are often confronted with decisions on pesticide application, particularly in light of falling commodity prices. Management decisions concerning pesticide application revolve around good practice, cost of application, fruit quality and environmental issues, all within a framework of increasing legislation. Good targeting of pesticides will allow growers to reduce their pesticide use, saving money whilst still producing a quality product. The strategy of demonstrating new precision spray technology to (ensuring the spray plume goes into the target and not drift into the air or onto the ground) should lead to a dramatic reduction in pesticide use, maybe as much as 25% reduction. Orleans SWCD will certainly reduce drift, this will help growers conform to legislation, protect the environment and reduce the public profile of the spraying activity. The results of our project will be quickly disseminated to the growers via extension educators, winter conferences, summer field meetings, and publications such as growers newsletters, journals etc.
Awardee Technical Contact Name
James B Kingston