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Using Zeolites to Control Odor, Air Emissions, and Nutrient Retention on Idaho Dairy Operations

Awardee Name
University of Idaho
Grant Type
Project Title
Using Zeolites to Control Odor, Air Emissions, and Nutrient Retention on Idaho Dairy Operations
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
End Date
Award Amount
Project Background
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate, evaluate, and encourage the use of zeolites to retain nitrogen in manure and reduce odors, ammonia, and other air emissions from dairy operations. The zeolite filtration technology has shown the ability to treat a broad spectrum of airborne compounds making it a promising technology for mitigating emissions of odors and gases. Development of Best Management Practices (BMP) related to the utilization of zeolites will include educational materials as well as technical guidance for NRCS and other agencies to be able to incorporate this technology. Costs associated with the implementation of these technologies will be analyzed to provide dairy producers with economic information. It is expected that the odor reduction and nitrogen retention in the zeolites will make the zeolite filtration technology very attractive for dairy producers.
Project targeted to Historically Underserved producers?