Agreement Number
Awardee Name
West Virginia University
Grant Type
Project Title
Utilization & Management of Invasive Plants in Pastures using Biocontrol Agents
Awardee State/Territory
West Virginia
Involved States/territories
West Virginia
Award Year
Start Date
End Date
Award Amount
Resource Concern (Broad)
Project Background
The beneficial attributes of bio-control agents like goats and sheep have not been well understood in West Virginia. West Virginia University proposes a three-year project to evaluate the usefulness of goat and sheep as bio-control agents to implement prescribed grazing protocols for the utilization and management of invasive plant species. An educational workshop will be included as a part of this project to teach farmers methods to incorporate sheep and goats into a multi-species grazing system. We will then facilitate and demonstrate a cost share program with 30 selected farmers for a prescribed grazing system to improve brush management in the Potomac Valley Soil Conservation district. An effective marketing pool for the sale of the goat and sheep produce will be developed to orient future distribution patterns. Finally, an economic analysis will be carried out to determine the economic differences between bio-control and traditional chemical and mechanical control methods.
Final Report URL
Awardee Technical Contact Name
Rakesh S Chandran