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Project Search

Since its inception in 2004, CIG has funded hundreds of projects, boosting natural resource conservation while helping producers improve the health of their operations for the future. Use this tool to search for CIG projects based on any of the criteria listed below.

CIG projects from 2004-2009 may be missing information in the following categories: Resource Concern (specific), Conservation Practice, Production/Use.

Showing 1171 - 1180 of 1760 projects

University of Puerto Rico, Estacion Experimental Agricola     |     PR     |     2009
The purpose of this award is for the grantee to validate and demonstrate the use of windrow composting to manage agricultural organic residues as a resource for nutrients and organic carbon in Puerto Rico.
Bat Conservation International, Inc     |     AZ     |     2009
The purpose of this award is for the grantee to stimulate the adoption of innovative conservation approaches related to bats and regional agricultural production. This initiative will use a partnership-based model to implement priority actions explicitly identified by Western Bat Working Group; US Fish & Wildlife species recovery plans and multiple Southwest State Wildlife Action Plans.
College of Menominee Nation     |     WI     |     2009
The purpose of this award is for the grantee to demonstrate the viability of carbon sequestration as a market mechanism tool for promoting environmental preservation, biodiversity, conservation, and sustainable development among tribes and their lands.
National Network of Forest Practitioners     |     OH     |     2009
The purpose of this award is for the grantee to provide enhanced access to and enrollment in conservation incentives for African-American landowners in forest-dependent communities of Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee.
Electric Power Research Institute, Inc (EPRI)     |     CA     |     2009
This project will identify the structure, and preliminarily test the function of a specific agricultural credit calculation tools and related infrastructure for water quality and greenhouse gas trading in a robust water quality credit trading market developing in the Ohio River.
Michigan State University     |     MI     |     2009
The purpose of this award is for the grantee to prevent erosion and protect soil and water quality on cropland where livestock manure is used as a soil amendment.
The Nature Conservancy     |     MI     |     2009
The purpose of this award is for the grantee to demonstrate the effectiveness of integrating patch burn grazing and spot-application of herbicides to manage sericea lespedeza prairie.
Auburn University     |     AL     |     2009
The purpose of this award is for the grantee to demonstrate that glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth can be managed with high residue conservation tillage systems with or without fall inversion before cover crop planting.
The North Carolina Farm Center for Innovation and Sustainability     |     NC     |     2009
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate and evaluate the potential benefits derived from using a mobile torrefaction machine on a farm and from applications and production of bio-char.
Pollinator Partnership     |     CA     |     2009
The purpose of this project is to compare the costs of installing and maintaining single-species annual and multi-species perennial floral strips in vegetable production systems with the ecological and economic benefits gained, and to translate this information for use by vegetable growers in diverse agricultural regions.