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Project Search

Since its inception in 2004, CIG has funded hundreds of projects, boosting natural resource conservation while helping producers improve the health of their operations for the future. Use this tool to search for CIG projects based on any of the criteria listed below.

CIG projects from 2004-2009 may be missing information in the following categories: Resource Concern (specific), Conservation Practice, Production/Use.

Showing 1721 - 1730 of 1760 projects

University of Florida     |     FL, GA     |    
The University of Florida will work with producers to institute a rapid, efficient, and near real-time method of estimating root zone soil moisture in vegetable farms, with a long-term goal of helping agricultural producers and stakeholders achieve balance between water resource conservation and farming profitability through improved irrigation accuracy and planning.
Ada Soil and Water Conservation District     |     ID     |    
This project consists of demonstrating and quantifying the effectiveness of bundling conservation measures to avoid, control and trap nutrient losses from farm fields. It will also evaluate and demonstrate energy savings through adaptive management cropping systems that utilize cropping rotations that include legumes and grasses in long term no-till systems that will increase nutrient cycling through enhanced soil biological activity.
Anderson and Sons     |     ID     |    
The use of precision agriculture, like variable rate technology (VRT) enables producers to vary the rate of crop inputs. VRT combines a variable rate control system with application equipment to apply inputs a precise time and/or location to achieve site specific results.

Anderson &amp, Sons farm 4,400 acres in Latah (Genesee area) and Nez Perce (Tammany area SE of Lewiston) counties under a direct seed/no till system. Their specific objectives in the implementation of VRT in their production system are to:

Reduce total nutrients applied, thus reducing the potential for off-site transport

Customize site-specific fertilizer prescription rates to maximize efficiency

Demonstrate the latest control and guidance technology and its application on typical north Idaho cropland

Anderson and Sons will cooperate with the local Latah Soil and Water Conservation District, Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District, the Clearwater Direct Seeders, and USDA-ARS to provide outreach to the Palouse Region on this technology. Investing in precision technologies is a win-win situation for both the individual farm and for the public at large – by increasing efficiency and profitability, while improving environmental stewardship and environmental quality.

Balanced Rock Soil Conservation District     |     ID     |    
The project will be used to demonstrate using no-till drills to benefit and improve soil health and reduce wind erosion. The no-till drill will be used to plant cover crops over a broad crop rotation by demonstrating that no-till practices can be used to successfully plant both grain crops and multi-species cover crops in the Magic Valley. At least one tour will be conducted to show the results of this project.
Defenders of Wildlife (DOW)     |     ID     |    
The project goal is to reduce conflict between livestock and wildlife. Participating Idaho sheep producers will be supplies with the tools and training so they can construct night corrals using turbo-fladry (electric wire with red flagging). Use of GPS will allow DOW to determine effectiveness of the turbo-fladry by comparing locations of wolves with night corral locations. An Idaho-specific fact sheet on non-lethal tools and methods to reduce conflict will be developed.

Hamanishi Farms     |     ID     |    
The overall goal of the project is to demonstrate the potential for using a cover crop to address nutrient and weed problems in both conventional and organic mint production. The project will determine which of the annual legume cover crop mixtures to be trialed can provide enough weed suppression to reduce or eliminate the need for herbicide treatments. The project will also evaluate how much available nitrogen can be supplied by each of the cover crop mixtures. This would lead to reduction in the need to use soluble sources of nitrogen. Successful use of cover crops could make raising mint for oil under organic farming systems economically viable, reducing the ecological footprint for the production of mint oil. The mint oil industry is very interested in effective ways of reducing inputs to make the production of mint oil more sustainable.
Helena Chemical Company, Agronomy Services     |     ID     |    
The main objective of this project is to reduce phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer applications in various cropping systems by using Smart Rate Technology. Electrical conductivity (EC) of the soil is measured across the field, and EC maps are then used to improve soil sampling decisions. Variable rate application of fertilizers, especially phosphorus fertilizers, will be performed with cooperating landowners and demonstrated in the 5 county area surrounding Hazelton (south central Idaho) . Blanket applications based on traditional sampling can over and or under fertilize fields. Applying fertilizers where the soil test for a given nutrient is low and skipping where the soil test is high can reduce the amount of fertilizers applied without sacrificing crop yields. In these days of high fertilizer prices and shortages, this “Smart Rate Technology” can be beneficial to both the farmers and the environment. A 25% reduction in the use of fertilizers is expected with this technology, which has applicability to much of the cropland in Idaho.

Idagold Nurseries     |     ID     |    
Much research has been done on oilseed crops and farmers have even adopted their own production and use of 100% biodiesel throughout much of the Midwest and other areas of the country. This project will demonstrate that fuels can be grown while still providing a feed crop and thus not taking the land out of food production. Outreach activities will bring information to as many agricultural producers in Southern Idaho as possible to help them understand these new crops, how they could fit into their rotation, and how a consistent price and supply of farm fuel can benefit them.
Idaho Association of Soil Conservation Districts     |     ID     |    
The project will develop a web-based nutrient management planner to replace the original OnePlan NMP. Updated functionality (web-based framework) has already been designed and completed for other components of OnePlan (web-based framework). However, the development of a web-based mapping platform will be completed as part of this project, and will also benefit the conservation planning and IPM components of OnePlan. The resulting interactive web-based format for nutrient management will allow the producer and planner to more easily address the site-specific complexity of AFP/CAFP operations.

Idaho Dairymens Association     |     ID     |    
Technologies have been identified to lessen environmental impacts from manure management. Laboratory and site testing of manure has shown it to be a viable candidate for treatment using Electro Coagulation. This system has been designed to remove 90+% of total solids including dissolved solids and 90+% total phosphorous. The project will demonstrate the system with participating producer(s).