Project Search
Since its inception in 2004, CIG has funded hundreds of projects, boosting natural resource conservation while helping producers improve the health of their operations for the future. Use this tool to search for CIG projects based on any of the criteria listed below.
CIG projects from 2004-2009 may be missing information in the following categories: Resource Concern (specific), Conservation Practice, Production/Use.
• Monitor the effectiveness of the structure by sampling inflow and treated water through the use of automatic samplers and flow meters, thereby allowing one to determine the phosphorus load reduction. Our goal is to remove 50% of the P load.
• After the PSM has been saturated with P in the structure, remove the spent material and test its ability to serve as P fertilizer or mulch in low P soils.
• Present the structure to agricultural producers, policy makers, and stakeholders (i.e. water quality advocate groups) in the area via field tours and web. Our goal is to reach 1000 people through site tours and presentations. Another goal is for this new BMP to be added to the NRCS EQIP program.
• Estimate the cost of implementation of this new BMP in poultry dense watersheds of Eastern Oklahoma and the potential phosphorus load reductions.
Specific objectives of this project are: 1) Evaluate and as necessary revise and update the current Ohio P Risk Index, using field-scale, edge-of-field monitoring data. 2) Quantitatively, integrate additional best management practice (BMPs) options into the Ohio P Index 3) Develop a web-based, easy to use, interactive GIS tool (web-based tool) that allows producers to easily calculate their Ohio P Index scores, and to choose from a suite of additional BMP options to aid with management decisions to reduce their risk of P transport (Ohio P Index scores). This web-based tool will also be used for education purposes and to actively promote increased implementation of the revised/enhanced Ohio P Index. 4) Significant statistical analyses will be required to evaluate/revise the Ohio P Index, integrate additional BMP options and to develop the on-line web-based interface. Statistical analyses will be conducted in the following three phases: a. Evaluate the current Ohio P Index parameters and modifiers. Determine which independent variables (parameters), or combinations of independent variables, best quantify risk of P transport. b. Quantitatively integrate additional BMP options into the Ohio P Index. This will allow producers to choose BMPs to reduce their risk of P transport (P Index score). c. Adapt the developed models to work within the web-based tool (on-line interface)
Evaluate and demonstrate solar Energy systems for meeting on-farm Energy needs.
Evaluate and demonstrate the ability of coupled hoop houses and rainwater harvesting to provide the necessary resources to increase productivity for crops beyond their normal growing season.
Demonstrate and quantify the impacts of diversely powered microirrigation (drip) systems on soil ecological (chemical, physical, and/or biological) properties and their relationships with nutrient cycling, soil water availability, and plant/fruit growth.
Demonstrate and evaluate effectiveness and economics of innovative solar irrigation systems for small farm crop production in the Black Belt.
Demonstrate effective dissemination of results of technical assistance to small farmers regarding solar irrigation.