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Project Search

Since its inception in 2004, CIG has funded hundreds of projects, boosting natural resource conservation while helping producers improve the health of their operations for the future. Use this tool to search for CIG projects based on any of the criteria listed below.

CIG projects from 2004-2009 may be missing information in the following categories: Resource Concern (specific), Conservation Practice, Production/Use.

Showing 681 - 690 of 1760 projects

Mississippi State University     |     MS     |     2013
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the use of native grasses as methods for managing drought on beef cattle operations. Native warm season grasses will be used in summer grazing systems for stocker cattle and native grass forage (both warm and cool season) will be harvested and conserved in the form of baleage to demonstrate and evaluate an alternative feeding system for confined animals using these drought-tolerant feedstocks.

The broad scale goal of this project is to demonstrate the drought mitigating benefits of incorporating native grasses into grazing systems and confined feeding operations for beef cattle and to provide producers with real world information in a local context which is imperative for ultimate producer adoption of these practices.
The specific objectives of the project are as follows:
Objective 1: To demonstrate the use of three summer grazing systems, two of which use drought tolerant native warm season grasses (1) indiangrass monoculture pastures and (2) Mixed species pasture of indiangrass, big bluestem, and little bluestem; with the third grazing system using the most common summer forage in this region, the non-native (3) bermudagrass.
-Very few beef cattle producers in the southern region utilize native grasses for beef cattle grazing systems. Therefore it is vital to demonstrate the use of native grasses in direct comparison with the forage that producers in this region are most familiar with, bermudagrass.
Objective 2: To demonstrate the impact of different cattle stockings rates in a grazing system incorporating drought tolerant mixed species pasture of indiangrass, big bluestem, and little bluestem.
-Native grasses are sensitive to grazing management. Overgrazing can severely impact the persistence of the stand allowing encroachment of weeds and other undesirable plant species. Undergrazing is an inefficient use of the forage resource and can allow forage to become overly mature and the nutritive value to diminish. Demonstrating proper grazing management is critical for producer adoption of native grasses for grazing systems and for the drought mitigation benefits to be realized.
Objective 3: To demonstrate the use of drought tolerant feedstocks in the form of conserved native warm season grass baleage as an option to feed to beef cattle in confined feeding operations during winter months.
-Native warm season grasses can produce a significant amount of forage on a per acre basis making them an excellent option for harvesting conserved forage. Because of their drought tolerance they will provide producers with the security of a feedstock to give cattle during the winter. We will show how they can be utilized in a confined feeding system.
Objective 4: To demonstrate the use of conserved cool season forage baleage as an option to feed to beef cattle in confined feeding operations during summer when drought has reduced or eliminated pasture availability.
-Conserving cool season forages during the early spring in the form of baleage gives beef cattle producers the security of knowing in the event of a summer drought they will have a feedstock to give to their cattle. We will demonstrate how producers can plan ahead for drought conditions.
Michigan State University     |     MI     |     2013
The primary purpose of this project is to demonstrate and verify the accelerated production by cropping systems growing in soils retaining more soil water in their root zones.

The project objectives are:
1. Demonstrate and quantify improved soil water retention capacities in a manner that requires fewer additions of supplemental surface irrigation to crops growing on highly permeable soils converted by SWRT water saving membranes for the purpose of maximizing grain and biomass production in arid and humid climates.
2. Demonstrate and quantify water use efficiency of drought tolerant and susceptible cultivars planted on sandy, sandy loam and sand outcroppings for all soil types improved by strategic installations of SWRT water saving membranes.
3. Demonstrate and evaluate the efficiency and cost-benefit ratio by irrigation of crops growing on SWRT-converted permeable soils in arid regions with low rainfall and irrigated daily. As plant production increases more carbon will enhance the movement of clay particles to SWRT membrane surfaces increase water holding and nutrient retention capacities.
4. Expand and compare a GPS-driven Land Area Mapping and Membrane Processor (LAMMP) informational and training unit that integrates topographic/soil survey/harvest data with soil texture, SOM and field/laboratory sampling/analyses. Current crop modeling of these inputs will be used to identify specific installation depths of SWRT membranes and estimated harvest benefits which complete their return on investment (ROI) within 3 to 5 years. Water and nutrient prescription-based best management practices will used and continually modified for each site and readjusted each year to further enhance plant production during this three-year project and beyond.
InterTribal Buffalo Council     |     SD     |     2013
The Inter Tribal Buffalo Council sees a need for the formation and implementation of drought-related strategic plans for Native American Reservations within its Membership Regions. As evidenced by a lack of planning, few communities are prepared to engage in the formation and implementation of a drought planning process because of lack of know-how. The purpose of this project is to enhance Tribal system resilience to drought by developing models using the Tribal Bison Programs that can be used to demonstrate various technology transfer means and methods for use by other Socially Disadvantaged Farmers or Ranchers and Indian Tribes. Specifically, an evaluation/assessment of the impacts of drought across member Tribes, their response to drought and the effectiveness of the responses will be used as the basis for regional trainings that will involve the adoption of the appropriate best management practices and associated technologies into each Tribe’s Bison Management Plan. On line databases will be created for the Tribes that include a resource library for drought management including links to entities that forecast drought, assistance for drought response, and technical data would enable the Tribes to adequately prepare system responses to drought. Regional trainings will be provided on the development and usage of the Tribal databases and drought management resource library. Implementation of conservation technologies, management, practices, systems, procedures, and approaches will also be supported. This could include alternative feeding systems, water and range enhancements and fodder systems.
The University of Tennessee     |     TN     |     2013
This project will provide long-term forage solutions that improve beef cattle producer’s ability to cope with drought. Through evaluation of forage growth, cattle performance, water use efficiency, inputs and enterprise budgets/profitability in production grazing settings, optimal forage solutions will be identified. Using key regional summer forage species in side-by-side demonstrations and a comprehensive outreach and educational program, these solutions will be brought to producers and forage leaders across the southeastern United States.

The primary objective is to deliver a comprehensive and transformative approach to forage production to growers across a multi-state region that will make a substantial impact on their ability to respond to droughts over the long-term. Specifically, will develop side-by-side comparisons to demonstrate actual drought response, beef production, stocking rates, and economic outcomes based on field conditions over two summers. Because our region is dominated by cow-calf production systems, and reproductive performance is critical, will use heifers in our grazing demonstrations. Will include switchgrass, eastern gamagrass, big bluestem and indiangrass (in a blend), bermudagrass and crabgrass. Will use the information from these demonstrations to enhance the understanding of how these options fit into cow-calf, stocker and grass-finishing operations in the fescue belt.
Specifically, will:
1) demonstrate grazing methods for selected summer forages at two research and education centers in Tennessee, one on the KY-TN border, the other near Arkansas, as well as on producer farms in Kentucky and Arkansas;
2) improve drought coping skills for forage producers in the fescue-belt by delivering optimal summer grazing solutions with respect to drought tolerance, productivity, and economics, as well as the linkage between all of these factors;
3) develop educational programs ( in-service trainings, field days, and programs with state cattlemen’s associations and/or forage producer associations) for beef cattle producers and educators (Extension, Natural Resources Conservation Service field staff and grazing specialists, Soil Conservation District field staff, state Cattlemen’s Associations, etc.).
4) develop reference materials, including technical bulletins and an on-line video library, that will be readily available for beef cattle producers and educators that carry the impact of lessons learned well-beyond the scope and duration of this project.
South Dakota State University     |     SD     |     2013
This project represents a unique opportunity to demonstrate the effects of drought resilience on grazing lands managed using innovative grazing strategies compared with traditional management in the central and northern Great Plains. In this region, loss of species diversity through grazing mismanagement has resulted in less productive plant communities and a loss in grazing land resilience to drought. Progressive ranchers, prepared for drought, have adopted grazing practices that have increased plant diversity (cool- and warm-season forage species) and yield while maintaining herd numbers. These factors have protected them from huge economic losses due to rising supplemental feed costs during drought and restocking costs after drought. The objectives of this project are to (1) establish four grazing management demonstrations on South Dakota and Nebraska ranches where producers can observe and demonstrate the impacts of innovative grazing management practices on their land’s ability to recover from the drought of 2012 and imposed spring or summer drought through use of rainout shelters; (2) demonstrate the impacts of innovative grazing management practices on ranch economics and decision-making capacity; (3) improve grazing managers’ understanding of innovative grazing practices; (4) identify adoption barriers, particularly related to managers’ ability and knowledge, and operational constraints, as well as external barriers; and (5) develop educational tools that will help ranchers implement improved practices.
Clemson University     |     SC     |     2013
Growers in the Southeastern United States are particularly vulnerable to drought due to a variety of factors. First, although annual rainfall in the Southeastern United States normally exceeds evaporation, it is often poorly distributed. Second, southeastern Coastal Plain soils have extremely low water holding capacity due to predominantly sandy texture with very low organic matter contents. Third, most sandy soils of the southeastern Coastal Plains have a compacted zone or hardpan, which limits root penetration below the plowing depth, reducing yields, and making plants more susceptible to drought stress. Therefore, even relatively short drought periods will have devastating effects on crop yields and farm profits. The overarching goal of this demonstration project is to assist row crop, fruit, and vegetable farmers to adopt innovative and proven water conservation technologies to enhance resilience to drought and increase farm profits. Several water conservation techniques that were either developed or tested at Clemson University over the last decade and that have shown significant increase in water use efficiency while enhancing resilience to drought and farm profits will be demonstrated. Specific project objectives and anticipated outcomes include: (1) establish six “Prototype Fields” per year to directly train growers to adopt innovative and proven water conservation technologies; (2) demonstrate and evaluate the effects of water conservation technologies on enhancing drought resilience and farm profits; and (3) implement an aggressive training program for crop consultants, technology providers, and county extension agents to become the primary providers of water conservation technologies for growers beyond the geographic and time limitations of this project.
The Curators of the University of Missouri     |     MO     |     2013
Good soil health and structure are important factors in mitigating agricultural drought by increasing water infiltration and water availability to plants. Many cultural practices, including overgrazing, biomass removal, tillage, and lack of Cover Crops and crop diversity reduce soil health and quality. Loss of soil quality results in less water infiltration and subsequently more runoff and less available water for plants. Soil health and structure can be improved and maintained through the use of no-tillage, Cover Crops, surface residue incorporation, native plants, and increased biodiversity. The objective of this project is to enhance farmer understanding of the effects of management practices on soil health, available soil water capacity, and water infiltration. Presentations and demonstrations will facilitate farmer understanding of the effects of improved soil health on drought mitigation for agricultural crops and livestock. Innovative cropping or grazing systems that increase resiliency to drought via improved soil health will be demonstrated through field days, workshops, and clinics. The effect of producer management practices on soil health and soil water will be demonstrated through use of a web-based, interactive soil health database and through soil sample testing at field days that will quantify active carbon, soil aggregate stability, and microbial diversity.
The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College     |     VT     |     2013
New England livestock farms that rely heavily on pasture based forage systems are having difficulty meeting the dry matter and nutrient needs of livestock during drought. In addition, all grazing farms place a value on top quality forages to reduce outside importation of feed to improve farm viability and environmental quality. The objectives of this project are to determine the feasibility and productivity of low cost inline pod irrigation systems and implementation of warm season annuals to alleviate or overcome drought stress with the goal of improving resiliency of New England pastures to drought conditions. The strategies and systems will be developed and tested by livestock farms both organic and conventional throughout the state of Vermont. Creating and implementing drought resilient pasture systems can provide an element of risk for the farmer. This project proposes to develop on-farm demonstration and outreach in the area of pasture irrigation and warm season summer annual evaluation. Evaluating these new systems through on farm demonstration, workshops and field days will help other farmers determine potential risk factors and derived benefits before implementing them on their farm.
Purdue University     |     IN     |     2013
The purpose of this project is demonstrate to producers how innovative cropping systems (no‐till systems which include Cover Crops in rotation) used on Midwest glacial till soils can increase resiliency to drought via improved soil health as a result of carbon retention. This effort will provide a better understanding of changes in health of soil using early predictions based on changes to the soil biology as impacted by selection of plant materials, planting strategy, and soil management for Cover Crops and can be utilized within a producer’s management plan to ultimately make positive changes in farm soil health. An approach will be developed for the prediction of soil health changes following the implementation of cover crop programs (an innovative approach to increase water retention and reduce nutrient loads to water and air.) Using producer field sites, the effects of Cover Crops on the availability of soil water will be documented through a two‐year planting cycle. Changes in water holding capacity as a function of soil properties, cover crop management practices, soil biology and biochemistry will be demonstrated and quantified. Changes in soil biology and physical qualities will be used as early predictors of the critical changes in the systems and their importance demonstrated to producers. This project will provide fundamental knowledge that will be turned into educational programs leading to adaptive management practices that fully utilize combinations of plant types and management systems to achieve resource protection and soil revitalization.
The University of Tennessee     |     TN     |     2013
In the Southeastern United States, irrigated agriculture has grown by 60% or 4.2 million acres over the last 20 years due to droughts and the need for row crop producers to insure high yield against the high cost of production. The rapid growth of irrigation in conjunction with population growth in the southeast has led to water conflicts during drought periods. Deficit irrigation of row crops is an effective way to mitigate drought in humid regions by applying less water to the majority of irrigated acres in the Southeastern US. The purpose of this project is to promote deficit irrigation for humid regions as a means to apply less water for drought mitigation, to optimize yield by better utilization of rainfall, and to improve the sustainability of row crop production. Deficit irrigation in humid regions means not supplying the crop with all the water it could use and not keeping the soil-water profile at field capacity, a condition known as full irrigation. Deficit irrigation makes use of rainfall while full irrigation does not. This is because in a full irrigation scenario, there is no or little storage capacity remaining in the soil and additional rainfall could saturate the soil, leach fertilizer, and/or run-off the soil surface. Five tasks will be undertaken to advance this goal: (1) finalize the strategy for deficit irrigation of cotton in variable water holding capacity soils; (2) start a deficit irrigation demonstration for soybeans similar to the cotton irrigation demonstration that tests three start times and three irrigation rates; (3) work with producers to implement deficit irrigation strategies; (4) calculate and compare indicators of environmental sustainability from data collected at the research station and on-farm sites; (5) extend project results via fact-sheets, websites, producer workshops/regional meetings, field days and on-farm demonstration sites.