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Project Search

Since its inception in 2004, CIG has funded hundreds of projects, boosting natural resource conservation while helping producers improve the health of their operations for the future. Use this tool to search for CIG projects based on any of the criteria listed below.

CIG projects from 2004-2009 may be missing information in the following categories: Resource Concern (specific), Conservation Practice, Production/Use.

Showing 761 - 770 of 1760 projects

Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, & Markets     |     VT     |     2012
This project will develop a coordinated program among various agricultural partners in Vermont that supports agricultural water quality improvements while providing a level of 'certainty' to agricultural producers that engage in water quality improvement projects.
Virginia No-Till Alliance (VANTAGE)     |     VA     |     2012
The project's purpose is to demonstrate how high diversity cover cropping and manure injection can improve soil health and crop productivity, while reducing the need for supplemental fertilization. VANTAGE and partners will illustrate and evaluate the innovative conservation technologies through at least 12 on-farm demonstrations involving cover crops and at least six demonstrations involving manure injection. Collection and analysis of data from these demonstrations will be paired with educational and outreach efforts targeting NRCS clients, including outdoor field days, indoor classroom presentations, technical reports, direct mailings, video/television and internet.
Virginia Tech     |     VA     |     2012
Virginia Tech will demonstrate how grazing management can affect soil health, pasture plant diversity and nutrient losses in pastures. Virginia Tech will demonstrate on two sites how mob and rotational grazing will affect soil health as measured by total organic matter content, particulate organic matter content, soil microbial activity, root mass, physical properties (bulk density and soil compaction) and biological activity (earth worm and dung beetle abundance).
Westwick Farming, LLC     |     NH     |     2012
Creation of silvopasture using the cleared woody biomass to create heat and power.
Wild Rice SCD     |     ND     |     2012
An educational tool for soil health and water quality. Education on the importance of nutrient cycle, pest and weed control using cover crops.
Yamhill Soil and Water Conservation District     |     OR     |     2012
Provide cost share using a programmatic approach to vineyards greater than 20 acres in size to provide incentive for retrofit their air blast sprayers to a more efficient tunnel sprayer. Provides education to landowners on percussion agriculture through work shops and tours.
Michigan State University     |     MI     |     2012
The specific objectives of this project include the measurement and evaluation of the effects to alternative cropping practices on soil microbial respiration and of the soil organic carbon accumulation as an indicator of advances in soil health. The project also aims to answer growers questions about cover crop nutrient cycling by monitoring such performance indicators as biomass yield, nitrogen uptake and release, and subsequent crop yields. It also aims to demonstrate and evaluate strategic selection and use of cover crop mixtures on crop growth and soil quality in row crops and develop and deliver educational materials to guide farmers in a systems approach to protecting and building soil health and natural productivity. The project also aims to increase farmer involvement in the development of practical, efficient and cost effective guidelines for improving soil health. Finally, it aims to develop and incorporate alternative management options for soil health in the NRCS Nutrient Management (590), Cover Crop (340), Waste Utilization (633), Residue Management (329A) and other relevant standards.
Michigan State University     |     MI     |     2012
The purpose of the proposed CIG effort is to demonstrate an effective bioEnergy production system. Our goal is to show that, by maximizing efficiency of the overall production process, we can ultimately achieve cost-competitiveness of biodiesel for on-farm uses. This approach is innovative in the sense that it takes advantage of the synergy between biodiesel and biogas production to maximize the overall production efficiency of biofuels. The project plan is designed to provide the USDA sponsor with a number of project metrics. The plan includes pilot-scale construction and operation, farm based demonstrations and outreach to the user and technical community via written and web-based media.
Moody County Conservation District     |     SD     |     2012
The purpose of the project is to develop a water-quality trading program for the Central Big Sioux River Watershed (CBSRW) project area that would facilitate implementation of best management practices for sediment and bacteria. The methods developed will then be used to develop water quality trading programs in other parts of the Big Sioux River Basin and other river basins throughout the region.
Morgan Soil & Water Conservation District     |     OH     |     2012
This project proposes to demonstrate the successful and economical use of windmill-powered water pumping plants to supply and distribute water to higher elevation pasture fields to enable livestock producers to increase the productivity, profitability and sustainability of their overall grazing system and livestock operation.