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Economic and Environmental Demonstration and Evaluation of Using Polymers to Flocculate and Precipitate Out Fine Solids in Dairy Waste Water

Agreement Number
Awardee Name
California Dairy Campaign
Grant Type
Project Title
Economic and Environmental Demonstration and Evaluation of Using Polymers to Flocculate and Precipitate Out Fine Solids in Dairy Waste Water
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
Start Date
End Date
Award Amount
Resource Concern (Broad)
Project Background
This project in the San Joaquin Valley of California will demonstrate and evaluate the economic and environmental feasibility of using polymers to flocculate and precipitate fine solids from the dairy waste water stream. Eighteen dairies will be directly involved with hundreds more in workshops/field days. Various treatment methods will be demonstrated and evaluated with over 70 samples of water and solids analyzed in the laboratory for volume and nutrient value. Solids retained will provide an added revenue stream for products to be sold off farm. The organic solids retained through this system will be in high demand for conventional row and field crops, but especially organic growers of orchards and vineyards. The project will be 16 months in duration with the final report due in December, 2008. An interagency, interdisciplinary technical advisory group will provide input into the project from the beginning. Coordination with the NRCS State Technical Guide Committee will be on going with several presentations made to the committee during the project. If this project proves to be feasible, many economic and environmental benefits would accrue to the dairy industry and the public as well.
Awardee Technical Contact Name
Kevin Abernathy