Agreement Number
Awardee Name
University of Delaware
Grant Type
Project Title
Demonstration of a Complete Approach to Manure Management: Improving Nutrient Use and Creating Value-Added Products for Dairy Farmers
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
Start Date
End Date
Award Amount
Resource Concern (Broad)
Project Background
In 1999, the Delaware General Assembly passed a nutrient management law requiring farmers and animal producers to have a nutrient management or animal waste plan that includes best management practices to reduce nutrient losses to the environment. Many operations in Delaware will require significant upgrades to current manure management practices to meet the requirements of their plans. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate and encourage the adoption of innovative techniques for managing animal waste and improving the nutrient balance on farms. The project will utilize innovative manure separation technology combined with improved storage and composting methods. Developing value-added products from the remaining waste will provide further benefits to producers.
Final Report URL
Awardee Technical Contact Name
J. Thomas Sims