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Utilizing Solar Power as a Supplemental Power Source for Small Irrigation Needs

Agreement Number
Awardee Name
University of Georgia
Grant Type
Project Title
Utilizing Solar Power as a Supplemental Power Source for Small Irrigation Needs
Awardee State/Territory
Involved States/territories
Award Year
Start Date
End Date
Award Amount
Resource Concern (Broad)
Project Background
Solar powered irrigation exists primarily in the Western portions of the United States where daily solar radiation exposures are much greater than for the Eastern US, but more importantly there is a low concentration of power service available for irrigation pumps. There is currently very little to no data available concerning solar powered pumps in states east of Arizona. Recent advancements in solar technologies have provided better solar cells for producing solar electricity, better pumps to achieve required pumping pressures and better pumps to achieve sufficient gallons per hour. These technological advancements mean that smaller producers in non-traditional solar regions of the country may now consider using solar power to pump captured runoff water using drip irrigation technology as a supplemental Energy source. The use of this innovative technology on small farms will increase the sustainability of a farming system by reducing the need and dependence on line electricity to pump deep well water while also using captured water for better water management. This project will demonstrate that solar power can be a large supplemental and feasible Energy source for irrigation in rural areas. We will also demonstrate how soil moisture sensors can be used to conserve water through proper and timely irrigation.
Awardee Technical Contact Name
Gary Hawkins