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Project Search

Since its inception in 2004, CIG has funded hundreds of projects, boosting natural resource conservation while helping producers improve the health of their operations for the future. Use this tool to search for CIG projects based on any of the criteria listed below.

CIG projects from 2004-2009 may be missing information in the following categories: Resource Concern (specific), Conservation Practice, Production/Use.

Showing 581 - 590 of 1760 projects

PA Dept of Ag     |     PA     |     2014
Demonstrate the implementation of IPM practices on High Tunnels
Clemson University     |     SC     |     2014
Demonstration of Modern Soil Moisture Sensing Technology for Irrigation Scheduling to Conserve Water and Energy, Protect the Environment and Increase Farm Profits.
Cheshire County Conservation District     |     NH     |     2014
Establish pollinator habitat sites to demonstrate innovative approaches to pollinator conservation. Inventory native pollinators and provide education and outreach for overcoming challenges associated with habitat establishment.
Cheshire CCD     |     NH     |     2014
trial various pollinator plants by seeding various mixes and work to better understand site preparation.
Center for Heirs' Property Preservation     |     SC     |     2014
Assisting Historically Under Serve Landowners to Become Certified Forest Owners
Center for EcoTechnology, Inc.     |     MA     |     2014
Overall project purpose is to help MA farms evaluate & install energy systems that offset fossil fuel use and meet on-farm energy needs while reducing costs and greenhouse gas emissions. The project will target ag producers currently underserved by energy efficiency & renewable energy incentive programs (i.e, emerging & expanding farms & those that rely on oil, propane and cordwood). Explore the viability of adding solar thermal hot water to list of eligible EQIP practices.
Appalachian Sustainable Development     |     VA     |     2014
This award is for ASD to demonstrate that agroforestry riparian buffers that produce Non-Timber Forest Products or native fruit and nut trees and shrubs, like pawpaws, elderberries and hazelnuts, could provide an economic incentive for increased adoption and retention of riparian buffers. ASD will partner with Virginia Tech's Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, the National Agroforestry Center and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to demonstrate, evaluate and document the benefits of agroforestry riparian buffers. ASD will establish 10-15 acres of agroforestry riparian buffers and conduct an economic analysis. Enhance the NAC’s online “Buffer$” tool to include information on the economics of NTFPs grown in agroforestry riparian buffers. This tool will allow users to estimate expected costs, benefits and potential profit margins under alternative financial and production scenarios that they create.
American Indian Education Consultants, Inc. (AIEC)     |     CA     |     2014
Conduct a Field Demonstration designed to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies that will enhance the agricultural production of acorn in accordance with NRCS standards resulting in a technological approach or a substantive method that can be used to augment agency technical guidance.
Kansas Alliance for Wetlands and Streams     |     KS     |     2014
Innovative stimulation of widespread cover crop adoption.
Rodale Institute     |     PA     |     2014
Project to promote the use of structures that can be use in places where soil is contaminated or not enough land is available such as in the city environment.