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Project Search

Since its inception in 2004, CIG has funded hundreds of projects, boosting natural resource conservation while helping producers improve the health of their operations for the future. Use this tool to search for CIG projects based on any of the criteria listed below.

CIG projects from 2004-2009 may be missing information in the following categories: Resource Concern (specific), Conservation Practice, Production/Use.

Showing 741 - 750 of 1760 projects

Vineyard Team     |     CA     |     2013
This project aims to increase water use efficiency in vineyards in the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin.
Virginia Forage & Grassland Council     |     VA     |     2013
This award is for the Virginia Forage and Grassland Council to demonstrate and document the changes that occur in soil health and pasture productivity due to the implementation of improved grazing management and communicate these changes to producers and agricultural professionals through a series of educational events. 1 - identify an EQIP eligible producer (total of 4 producers) in each of the 4 regions of Virginia committed to transitioning from continuous grazing to prescribed grazing and documenting management practices and measured soil health benefits, 2 - develop prescribed grazing plans for each of the 4 demonstration farms, 3 - host 12 winter forage conferences and host 12 summer field days, 4 - record videos of all presentations delivered at the winter forage conferences, 5 - develop a Soil Health webpage on the VFGC website to summarize project results, and 6 - develop case study reports and short videos for each of the four demonstration farms.
Virginia Tech     |     VA     |     2013
Virginia Tech will demonstrate the establishment of pine and hardwood silvopasture and its management in a 40-acre stand of mature timber, which will be separated into 5-acre blocks. They will also demonstrate the use of mixed species grazing (cattle and goats) for weed and hardwood sprout control in silvopasture. Currently, there is no place for landowners to visit where they can learn how to establish silvopasture from a mature stand of timber in Virginia.
Virginia Tech     |     VA     |     2013
This award is for Virginia Tech to build and find a broader common ground for the whole of agriculture through an innovative soil health curriculum and educational outreach program that highlights foundational principles and core practices. Virginia Tech will utilize its existing network to engage farmers in educational programming and outreach. This CIG project will provide key support for Virginia's Soil Health Initiative through the development of an intermediate level soil health curriculum and through farmer-to-farmer learning through on-farm demonstrations, case studies and testimonials.
Wasco County Soil and Water Conservation District     |     OR     |     2013
Provide a cost share incentive to Improve soil and water quality and reduce energy inputs in a wide scale adoption of "state of the art" precision agricultural technologies by incorporating telecommunications transfer system that will provide real time data transfer from the field to office settings.
Washington State University     |     OR     |     2013
The project will be integrated with ongoing efforts in the Keating Valley to address medusahead in sage-grouse habitat via the Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative (CCPI). Sage-grouse habitat improvement is the major goal of the CCPI project. This project aims to restore rangeland health and function in sagebrush steppe and rangeland sites overtaken by medusahead.
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy     |     PA     |     2013
Demonstrate the use of a conservation system approach to reduce pollution on streams impaired by agricultural activities.
Woodstock Orchard     |     CT     |     2013
The purpose of the project is to demonstrate roller crimper technology followed by a vegetable transplanter to lessen time preparing fields and improving soil qulaity. The project intends to show significant savings of time and money by eliminating the need for plowing and harrowing vegetable fields. Soil Quality will be improved by leaving cover crop residue on the fields and using the mulch to eliminate multiple applications of herbicides.
The Curators of the University of Missouri     |     MO     |     2012
This multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary project aims to encourage widespread adoption of practices that improve soil health by demonstrating the environmental and economic benefits that can be achieved by implementing a system of conservation practices. The suite of practices that will be adopted are cover crops, conservation crop rotation, residue management/no-till, nutrient management, and pest management. The purposes of this proposal are to: 1) demonstrate the environmental benefits of adopting a production system focused on soil health. Benefits include reducing offsite nutrient loading and pesticide losses to surface water, soil erosion, and improving soil quality, 2) demonstrate increased soil water availability and biomass, and 3) promote the adoption of soil health conservation systems by demonstrating the effectiveness and successful implementation. The study will also demonstrate benefits of the proposed techniques for reducing dependency on fossil fuel, energy savings through adaptive management, reductions in nonpoint source pollution (NPSP), and agricultural chemical inputs by incorporating legumes into conservation practices that reduce or eliminate the need for synthetic fertilizers.
The Nature Conservancy     |     NJ     |     2012
TNC will develop a means to prioritize and promote pollinator habitat projects in the Garden State by applying GIS technology combined with current ecological research and economic data. Social surveys will be used to field test the extent of knowledge about the issues related to this important habitat and barriers to addressing these issues.